Fuera de Cartelera

Dedans Le Sud de la Louisiane


45 minutos


45 minutos

Director: Jean-Pierre Bruneau

Reparto: Nathan Abshire,Alphonse "Bois Sec" Ardoin,Clifton Chenier,Felix Benoit,Cleveland Chenier,Charles Goodman,Robert St. Julien,Bee Deshotels,Ed Deshotels,Canray Fontenot,Bee Fontenot,Adam Landreneau,Cyprien Landreneau,Dennis McGhee,Sady Courville,Wallace Lafleur,Revon Reed,

Fecha de Estreno:


Dedans le Sud de la Louisiane, shot in 1972, may very well be the best documentary on Louisiana’s French music and culture ever produced. Bruneau obviously fell in love with the French-speaking people of South Louisiana and their world, and that love is apparent in every frame of this film.