Fuera de Cartelera

Biography: Edge (2022)


85 minutos


85 minutos

Director: Yaron Deskalo

Reparto: Adam Copeland,Matt Copeland,Randy Copeland,Jason Reso,Bret Hart,Mark Calaway,Bruce Prichard,Carl DeMarco,Michael Seitz,David Heath,Mick Foley,Hulk Hogan,Michael Pongracz,John Cena,Dave Bautista,Ruby Copeland,Lyric Copeland,Stephen Farrelly,

Fecha de Estreno: 2022-08-21


Adam Copeland's lifelong passion for wrestling drove him through the freezing-cold Canadian independent circuit to a white-hot WWE contract in 1997, where he manifested his dream of being a tag team with his best friend, Christian.