Fuera de Cartelera

The Monster Hunter (1999)


88 minutos


88 minutos

Director: Mark Lambert Bristol

Reparto: David Carradine,Darren E. Burrows,Michael Bowen,Elizabeth Barondes,Bob Balaban,Stephen Root,Joe Unger,Missy Atwood,Marina Anderson,Bill Wise,Johnny Hardwick,Todd Lowe,Guilford Adams,Mark Miks,Bob Richardson,Alex Morris,Gabriel Folse,Michael Stephen Costello,Adam Warren,Heather Kafka,Lana Dieterich,Vic Feazell,Steve Flanagin,Charlie Sexton,Lou Perryman,Dorothy Deavers,Chad Nell,Dale Dudley,Laura House,

Fecha de Estreno: 1999-01-01


Residents of an East Texas town react strangely when a serial killer invades their small town world.