62 minutos
Thomas, a 25-year-old young man, goes to social events without managing to fit in with the crowd. One evening on returning from one of them, disappointed, he decides to reproject himself there mentally. It is then that he will meet a mysterious young girl there...
Raphael Mario Biagetti Espeute
Anais Avril
The young girl
Shirley Lonardo
Girl beside the wall
Thomas Mosic
First figurant
Lou Orusa
Second figurant
Tina Rilli
Third figurant
Pierre Touzeau
Fourth figurant
Maximilien Morato
Fifth figurant
Candice Henssien
Sixth figurant
Lisa Minervini
Seventh figurant
Cedric Trouche
Eighth figurant
Jacim Souane
Ninth figurant
Alexis Pinto
Tenth figurant
Lisa Minervini
Eleventh figurant
Baptiste Julien
Twelfth figurant