Fuera de Cartelera

My Home on the Green Hills (1985)


67 minutos


67 minutos

Director: Asya Suleeva

Reparto: Dinmukhamet Akhimov,Murat Mukashev,Zauresh Abutalieva,Anvar Boranbaev,Gulnizat Omarova,Meruert Utekesheva,Aubakir Ismailov,Nurzhuman Ihtymbaev,

Fecha de Estreno: 1985-08-01


It's so different — the world of our childhood. For Arman, the little hero of the film, these are endless meadows and snow—white flocks of sheep grazing on the steep slopes of green hills, the calm warmth of a yurt, an ancient stone baba, to which a real hunting golden eagle arrives every day, a smart dog Aktaban, boundless expanse and clear sky overhead. And suddenly this familiar world narrowed down to the size of a city boarding school with unusual laws, unfamiliar people - Arman went to the first grade.