Fuera de Cartelera

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2004)

Family,Animation,TV Movie

74 minutos

Family,Animation,TV Movie

74 minutos

Director: Scott Heming

Reparto: John Michael Lee,Jennifer Andrews Anderson,Anthony Clark-Kaczmarek,Nils Haaland,Michael Hartig,Matt Kamprath,Hannah Koslosky,Jerry Longe,Andy Monbouquette,Ryle Smith,Paul Sosso,Tony Wike,D. Kevin Williams,

Fecha de Estreno: 2004-11-14


The larger-than-life Jules Verne adventure about reclusive genius Captain Nemo, his magnificent submarine, The Nautilus, and the perilous voyage he makes with a group of captive adventurers, one of which is a brave young woman disguised as a man.