Fuera de Cartelera

Playing God (2023)


30 minutos


30 minutos

Director: Abby Tarpey

Reparto: Chaney Belle,Christina Trocchio,Carter Miller,Emily Miller,Samanna Wilson,Jack Freiser,Matthew Sargent,Bob Martin,Meredith Albright,Natalie Apgar,Catie Branscome,Marco Falcucci,Katie Faour,Mary Kaldor,Cody Leuenberger,Noah Lewis,Jamie Nguyen,Kyle O'Brien,Paige Taylor,Kyle Raynor,Sam Sedgwick,Dillon Williams,

Fecha de Estreno: 2023-05-02


After catching her boyfriend in an affair at her dad's office, Maya enlists her best friend, Jess, to help her get revenge. In her attempt to break her boyfriend's heart, Maya slowly causes more damage to herself in a way she doesn't see coming.