Fuera de Cartelera

Slaughter at Camp Swinelake


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Director: David J. Green

Reparto: Debbie Rochon,Robert Prichard,Lloyd Kaufman,Zelda Adams,Babette Bombshell,Katie Freimann,Timothy Waldron,Jenna Gilmer,Lucia Morel,Jason Tolentino,Nicole Borbone,Liora Kats,Rust Vaughn,Lotion Gush,Steven De La Rosa,Bill Weeden,Andrew L. Miller,

Fecha de Estreno:


When a meat-delivery mix-up forces a pork-themed fat camp to kill and serve its longtime pig mascot for dinner, a swine-zombie outbreak emerges. An insecure camper must team up with her CIT bestie, her cruel, thin head counselor, her hunky crush, and her foul-mouthed little sister to escape so they won't be bacon by breakfast.