Fuera de Cartelera

Chinese Hercules: The Bolo Yeung Story


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Director: Pavel Nyziak

Reparto: Bolo Yeung Sze,Bobbie Phillips,Cynthia Rothrock,Matthias Hues,Richard Norton,Don Wilson,Cory Everson,Robert Wall,Paulo Tocha,Andy Armstrong,Peter Malota,Bernard Mariano,Karman Kruschke,Tony De Leon,John Salvitti,Bill Shaw,Kong Kwong-Keung,Peter Zhmutski,Ian Chow,Salamat Mukhammed-Ali,Mo Chow,Robert Goldman,Guido Kessler,Marcus Hauser,Arzu Karagülle,

Fecha de Estreno:


This is the story of the bodybuilder, Martial Artist and actor who wrote his own destiny and walked his own path. A legendary tale that's never been told on-screen before.