Fuera de Cartelera

Birthright (1989)

Drama,Science Fiction

60 minutos

Drama,Science Fiction

60 minutos

Director: Lynn Wegenka

Reparto: Deborah Oaks,Steven J. Bernstein,Megan Cole,Anthony Lee,Mary Kae Irvin,Gordon Carpenter,Sheila Scott,Charlice Poortuliet,Eric Hagerman,Roger Tomkins,Mike Murphy,John Gliessman,David Drummond,Christine Deaver,Michael Santo,Michael Rogers,Farzad Keshvadian,Todd Jefferson Moore,Jerri Lee Young,

Fecha de Estreno: 1989-01-01


The story of a rebel with a cause, this dystopic art film takes place in a future where humans have become drones in a decaying post-industrial hive.