Fuera de Cartelera

The Denied (2023)


14 minutos


14 minutos

Director: Miguel Miller

Reparto: Rey Hernandez,Wil J. Jackson,Jim Dougherty,Mary Jo Cortada,Mikey Verdugo,Aniela McGuinness,Naida Nelson,Julie Kendall,Todd Bruno,Lorenzo Toledo,Christy Antonio,Mark Matire,

Fecha de Estreno: 2023-06-01


DENIED is a film about EQUALITY. It's a story of two male police officers, who are also a loving couple. One is a Homicide Detective and the younger is a Patrolman. The Patrolman is killed in the line of duty, leaving Andrew (Homicide Detective) to deal with Alex's (Patrolman) hateful family, hospital rules and bigoted Brothers in Blue. It shows the uselessness of Hate.