Fuera de Cartelera

The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty (1927)


87 minutos


87 minutos

Director: Esfir Shub

Reparto: Mikhail Alekseyev,Alexei Brusilov,Nikolai Chkheidze,Emperor Franz Josef,Vera Figner,Grand Duchess Anastasia,Grand Duchess Marie,Grand Duchess Olga,Grand Duchess Tatiana,Aleksandr Guchkov,Iliodor,Aleksandr Izvolsky,Joseph Joffre,Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany,Governor of Kaluga,Alexander Kerensky,King George V of the United Kingdom,Alexander Kolchak,P.V. Krupensky,Vladimir Lenin,V.A. Maklakov,Alexandre Millerand,Paul Milyukov,Gospodin Nekrasov,Raymond Poincaré,Vladimir Purishkevich,Fyodor Rodichev,Mikhail Rodzyanko,Aleksey Nikolaeyvitch Romanov,Vasily Shulgin,Vladimir Sukhomlinov,Aleksei Sergeevich Suvorin,Czar Nicholas II of Russia,Tsarina Alexandra,Irakli Tseretelli,N.A. Vtorov,Nikolai Yudenich,

Fecha de Estreno: 1927-03-11


A compilation of newsreels shot between 1913 and 1917 - the years leading up to the Russian Revolution.
