78 minutos
Balog Mihály, the Gypsy man from Szabolcs works in Budapest. That is where he is notified that his young wife died. Again he behaves differently from his fellow-men in the Koportos Gypsy settlement: he wants to give a beautiful, rich burial ceremony to his wife.
Mihály Rostás
Balog Mihály
Ferenc Bogdán
Ferenc Bencze
János Bán
Brigádvezetõ az útépítésen
Jiří Menzel
A pap
Lajos Szabó
A fuvaros
Flóra Kádár
János Kovács
Ferenc Paláncz
Margit Bene
Lajos Vass
Ágnes Radics
József Nagy
Margit Sebõk
István Rostás
Karolina Balog
Attila Horváth
Barnabásné Pál
Mihály Rézmüves
Lászlóné Demeter
Czirok Rozália