Fuera de Cartelera

Women Who Kill (2016)


93 minutos


93 minutos

Director: Ingrid Jungermann

Reparto: Ingrid Jungermann,Ann Carr,Sheila Vand,Shannon O'Neill,Annette O'Toole,Grace Rex,Deborah Rush,Tami Sagher,Terence Nance,Jacqueline Antaramian,Rodrigo Lopresti,Francis Benhamou,Ngozi Jane Anyanwu,Kim Blanck,Keisha Zollar,Doug Moe,Ronda Swindell,Anna Orlova,Jeremy Paschall,Lizzie Hollins,Bobbi Jene Smith,Ryan VanCompernolle,

Fecha de Estreno: 2016-07-27


Morgan and Jean work well together as true crime podcasters because they didn’t work well, at all, as a couple. However, when Morgan strikes up a new relationship with the mysterious Simone, their shared interest turns into suspicion, paranoia, and fear.