Fuera de Cartelera

The Feast (2016)


40 minutos


40 minutos

Director: Franco Piavoli

Reparto: Jacopo Castellani,Cecilia Ermini,Carlo Malacchini,Primo Gaburri,Silvia Migliorati,Petra Veneziani,Fiammetta Alighieri,Oliva Andreoli,Roberta Brunelli,Giancarlo Zanoni,Angela Poddighe,Piero Agosti,Costanza Lunardi,Alex Carozzo,Linda Gandini,Don Luigi Milani,Gianmaria Bertagna,Alessandro Milani,Flora Piavoli,Agata Piavoli,Andreina Oliani,Andreina Andreoli,Piero Andreoli,Nadia Guardini,Luca Pecorelli,

Fecha de Estreno: 2016-08-08


The feast of St. Peter in a country village. The priest admonishes his parishioners to confess and be free of avarice, but after mass he invites them all to make merry. Outside the church the elderly villagers are the first to start dancing, while street artists entertain passers by and the kids fly around on brightly lit carousels. There is als an old man inside at home, an invalid in a wheelchair, a young man wandering lost in thought, while a lonely woman watches the cuddling couples. Every year in towns, villages and urban neighborhoods there are traditional feasts to celebrate the patron saint. They reflect a need for faith, conviviality and entertainment, but for some they also make the sense of solitude and apprehension even stronger. Share: