Fuera de Cartelera

Revealing Mars (2006)


46 minutos


46 minutos

Director: Brendan Goeckel

Reparto: Jim Graf,Laszlo Keszthelyi,Richard Zurek,

Fecha de Estreno: 2006-03-10


On August 12, 2005 NASA launched Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter designed to explore the Red Planet from the orbit. The M.R.O. will make a more comprehensive inspection of Mars than any previous mission, examining landscape details as small as a coffee table with the most powerful telescopic camera ever sent to orbit of a foreign planet. This 47 min. long documentary will walk you through the orbiter's scientific payload, illustrate how each instrument works and give you a sense of the high-quality images and data these tools will produce by comparing them to tools used for the investigation of the atmosphere and geology of Earth.