84 minutos
The film is the first of three about the misadventures of two friends, Þór and Danni. Two friends working at a restaurant get fired from their jobs and after seeing an advertisement for the fishing industry of the Westman Islands, decide to go there and make some money. The islands become a perfect setting for many funny and strange situations, especially after word gets around that the two are spies from the Ministry of Fisheries.
Eggert Þorleifsson
Karl Ágúst Úlfsson
Runólfur Dagbjartsson
Víglundur verkstjóri
Eiríkur Sigurgeirsson
Axel bónusvíkingur
Sveinn Tómasson
Ási skipsstjóri
Guðrún Kolbeinsdóttir
María Víglundsdóttir
Elva Ósk Ólafsdóttir
Ungrú Snæfells- og Hnappadalssýsla
Ingveldur Gyða Kristinsdóttir
Unnusta Axels
Magnús S. Magnússon
Sigurður mæjónes
Frímann Lúðvíksson
Júlli húsvörður
Hlynur Ólafsson
Alli ballgestur í Alþýðuhúsinu
Guðlaug Bjarnadóttir
Magga fyrrverandi kona Þórs
Sigurður Hallmarsson
Miðaldra kaupfélagsstjóri
Sólrún Yngvadóttir
Kona á svölum