99 minutos
Lalau (Gregorio Duvivier) is presented by the country's interior with his show jokes, whose main theme is her father, Ramon Velasco (Tarcisio Meira), an actor who always gets into shenanigans. One day, when present in Ceará, Stan receives a tempting proposal by Flora (Flávia Alessandra), which offers $ 100,000 so he pretends to be a famous guru in a motivational speech in Rio de Janeiro. He accepts and goes to Rio without telling his father. After seeing his son on the cover of a newspaper, Ramon decides to go after him and creates many characters to ensure their part.
Tarcísio Meira
Ramon Velasco
Gregório Duvivier
Lalau Velasco
Flávia Alessandra
Flora Beltrão
Herson Capri
Rodolfo Magalhães
Ângela Vieira
Carol Gomide
Antonio Pedro
Delegado Peixoto
Guilherme Piva
Assessor Jarbas
Hugo Carvana
José Marinho
Maria Gladys
Senhora 1
Alice Borges
Senhora 2
Lu Grimaldi
Mariana Rios
Bento Gonzalez
Lalau (Criança)
Júlia Sabugosa
Jornalista CE 1
Candida Sastre
Jornalista CE 2
Aline Guimarães
Jornalista CE 3
Denis Lacerda
Diogo Salles
Repórter RJ
Séfora Rangel
Jornalista RJ
Chris Quintiliano
Raphael Molina
Tereza Xavier
Fabíola Buzim
Senhora 3
Andrea Bordadagua
Andrea Val Quintães
Alexandre Liuzzi
Policial 1
Flávio Mariano
Policial 2