109 minutos
The women's athletics (4x100m relay) is about to win a gold medal at the 2016 Olympic Games, the Brazilian victory is almost certain and the athletes are one step closer to what would be a milestone. If only one fatal error hadn't put off their dreams: the carelessness of the young Maria Lúcia causes the group to be disqualified. This changes Maria Lúcia and Adriana's lives forever, Adriana does not forgive her teammate after the final. Four years go by. Maria Lúcia is still the great promise in athletics while Adriana makes a living out of MMA fighting. A few months away from the Tokyo Olympics, they are called in to join the new 4x100 team. This time, Maria Lúcia and Adriana need to overcome the mistakes of the past. They count on the help of veterans Rita and Jaciara as well as newcomer Bia, athletes who rediscover their true power as a team, showing that the Brazilian women's athletics is stronger than ever.
Thalita Carauta
Fernanda de Freitas
Maria Lúcia
Roberta Alonso
Priscila Steinman
Cintia Rosa
Augusto Madeira
Kauê Telloli
Zezé Motta
Dra. Bruna
Marat Descartes
Eduardo Uchôa
Claudio Jaborandy
Seu Zé
Bruno Bellarmino
Maurício de Barros
Caio Gullane
Apresentador Talk Show
Won Gisele
Atleta Mulher
Willians Mezzacapa
Homem Balada
Leandro Cunha
Diretor Campanha Publicitária
Isa Esaudito
Filha Rita
Vicky Justiniano
Kendi Yamai
Inspetor das Olimpíadas
Samuel de Castro
Ladrão Bar Seu Zé
Maria Helena Chira
Médica Plantonista
Cristina Sano
Mulher Antidoping
Cinthia Harumi Ito
Mulher Organização Tóquio
Gigio Badaré
Policial Militar
Nil Bernardes
Repórter Troféu Brasil
Luize Altenhofen
Repórter Olimpíadas 1
Iorio Neto
Repórter Olimpíadas 2
Henrique Hennies
Repórter Olimpíadas 3
Fernando Prado
Narrador 1
Glenda Kozlowski
Narradora 2
Luiz Carlos Jr.
Narrador 3
Robson Caetano
Narrador 4
Narrador 5
Mileide Silva
Dublê Thalita Carauta
Lais Dias
Dublê Fernanda de Freitas
Ayla Sakamoto
Dublê Roberta Alonso
Thaina Fernandes
Dublê Priscila Steinman
Amanda Beatriz
Dublê Cintia Rosa
Henrique Takimoto Jasa
Figuração da comissão japonesa