Fuera de Cartelera

Capture (1982)


73 minutos


73 minutos

Director: Mukadas Makhmudov

Reparto: Baba Annanov,Vladimir Tikhonov,Valeri Ryzhakov,Vladimir Nikitin,Marina Andrianova,Bimbulat Vatayev,Vladimir Plotnikov,Rustam Urazaev,Svetlana Orlova,Zoya Tolbuzina,Anatoli Latfi,Alim Khodzhayev,Khaydar Shoymardanov,Dzhahon Saidmuradov,I. Bobiev,A. Odinayev,R. Burkhanov,Sakhobiddin Sattarov,Vali Dzhurayev,Kurban Sharipov,Grigoriy Grigoryan,Kh. Aripov,N. Rakhmatullaev,

Fecha de Estreno: 1982-12-19


The corpse of old Bobo Nazir was found in a mountain village after a fire. Major Kasymov in the basement of a burned-out house discovers a chest with jewelry that belonged to the Basmach Rakhimbek. The absence of a priceless battle belt points to the cause of the crime. The detectives go to the jewelry dealers to capture the criminals.