Kira Austin-Young
Princess of Sorrow
Jason Boschetti
Wulfgar, the Cliffguard
Susannah Bradley
Girl of Poe
Kathryn Bruce
Extras / Hall Thanes
Colin Court
Sir Lardalot
Alex Coyle
Scottie Gnutti
Hula Girl / Party Girl
Will Hickox
Extras / Hall Thanes
Kristen Hillgren
Queen Wealtheow
Domenick Iacovo
Extras / Hall Thanes
Ben Mercer
Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Clark Pendery
Darius Safavi
Extras / Hall Thanes
Ben Shields
Malcolm X
Minoo Sobhani
Extras / Hall Thanes
Carl Swanson
Extras / Hall Thanes
Alex Trebek
Alex Trebek
Zack Tuck
Narrator / Sunshine Macabre / Jesus of Nazareth
Michelle Vick
Extras / Hall Thanes
Mike Vick
Frank Zappa
Guitarist (archive footage)