Kristin Keith
Narrator / The Eternity / The Traveler
Robb Hudspeth
The Dumped
Tori Yeager
Nathan Gershon
Box Holder 1 / The Inquisitive
Cory W. Ahre
Dr. John H. Watson
Richard Houghton
Richard / The Vagrant
Jayson Atz
The Broad Swordsman
Wendy Rager
Box Holder 2
The Whisperer Cenobite
Morgan Daniel Bliss
Dream Desire Cenobite / The Breed Daughter / The Harlot
Lillith Taylor
The Glass Cenobite
Anna Lumley
The Deep Throat Cenobite
Tim Crabb
Box Holder 3
Ninfa Innocent
The Reluctant
Kent Sylvester
The Unimaginative
Yoshino VanEtten
The Internal Samurai (Narration)
Sassy Yeager Albee
Box Holder 3
Dan Nguyen
The Bushido Cenobite
Kim Baxter
The Samurai
Amanda Kee
Girl in Red Dress
Joe Blackwood
The Deceiver
Bart de Boisblanc
Jay Gavit
Ian Eshelman
Sherlock Holmes