Image of Lee Powell

Lee Powell


Image of Lee Powell



Purple Death from Outer Space Captain Roka 1966-01-01
Torpedo of Doom Lt. Tom Grayson 1966-01-01
Along the Sundown Trail Lee Powell 1942-10-10
Rolling Down the Great Divide Marshal Lee Powell 1942-04-24
Prairie Pals Lee Powell 1942-09-04
Raiders of the West Marshal Lee Powell 1942-02-20
I Was Framed 1942-04-04
Tumbleweed Trail Marshal Lee Powell 1942-07-10
Texas Man Hunt Marshal Lee Clark 1942-01-02
The Return of Daniel Boone Tax Collector Fuller 1941-05-07
The Lone Rider Rides On Curley Robbins 1941-01-10
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe Captain Roka 1940-03-03
Hi-Yo Silver Allen King 1940-04-10
Trigger Pals Stormy 1939-01-13
The Fighting Devil Dogs Lieutenant Tom Grayson 1938-05-27
The Lone Ranger Allen King 1938-02-13
Come On, Rangers Ranger Earp 1938-11-21
Forlorn River 1937-07-02