Image of Chu-Ko Liang

Chu-Ko Liang


Image of Chu-Ko Liang


Chu Ko-Liang was a Taiwanese comedian, actor, television show host and singer. He was known for his "over-the-top appearance" with unusual clothing and hair styles and his coarse humor.


大釣哥 2017-01-26
大顯神威 2016-08-19
大尾鱸鰻2 David Loman 2016-02-05
大囍臨門 2015-02-18
大稻埕 Professor P 2014-01-30
大尾鱸鰻 David Loman/ Zhu Da De 2013-02-01
雞排英雄 Councilor Chang 2011-01-28
洪熙官之少林五祖 Master hen 1994-02-05
孩子王 1988-10-08
天下一大樂 1988-02-17
大頭兵出擊 1987-07-04