Image of Helen Shingler

Helen Shingler

1919-08-29 London, England, UK

Image of Helen Shingler



Pygmalion Mrs. Higgins 1981-12-27
Rx Murder Charlotte 1958-02-18
Room in the House Ethel 1955-07-25
Laughing Anne Susan Davidson 1953-09-01
Background Mary Wallace 1953-11-09
Judgment Deferred Kay Kennedy 1952-02-01
Love's a Luxury Mrs. Pentwick 1952-10-01
The Lady with a Lamp Parthenope Nightingale 1951-09-22
The Rossiter Case Liz Rossiter 1951-01-21
I Have Been Here Before Janet Ormund 1949-05-29
The Silver Darlings Catrine 1947-09-03
Quiet Weekend Rowena Hyde 1946-05-01