Image of Richard Terry

Richard Terry

1919-02-09 Los Angeles, California, USA

Image of Richard Terry



Borrowed Hero Dixie Nelson 1941-12-05
The Blonde from Singapore Tada 1941-10-15
Lucky Devils Berko 1941-01-03
That Gang of Mine Henchman Blackie 1940-09-23
Phantom of Chinatown Toreno 1940-11-18
Nick Carter, Master Detective Cain - Henchman 1939-12-13
It Happened in Hollywood Bank Robber / Driver 1937-09-07
Girls Can Play Henchman Cisto 1937-06-23
The Jungle Princess Malay Hunter 1936-11-27
Sinner Take All Pete 1936-12-18
The Cowboy Star Midget Jack James 1936-11-20