Image of Yang Bai

Yang Bai

1920-04-22 Beijing, China

Image of Yang Bai


Bai Yang, formerly named Yang Chengfang, was an actress in Mainland China. In 1936, starred in his first movie "Cross Street". In 1989, she took the lead in the biographical drama "Spread to the World Is Love", for which she won the Honorary Actor Award from the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television of China. In 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world film and the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese film, Bai Yang won the Chinese Film Century Award: Actress Award. On September 18, 1996, Bai Yang passed away at the age of 76.


冬梅 Dongmei 1960-01-01
春满人间 Qun Fang 1959-01-01
为了和平 Menghui Ding 1956-10-01
春节大联欢 自己 1956-02-11
祝福 Lin Xiang 1956-10-19
乘龍快婿 陆文蕙 1947-01-01
八千里路雲和月 Jiang Lingyu 1947-02-22
一江春水向东流 Sufen 1947-10-09
还乡日记 1947-01-01
长空万里 白岚 1940-01-01
社会之花 吴明珠 1937-01-01
十字街頭 1937-04-13