Image of William Scott

William Scott

1896-08-01 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Image of William Scott



Come on Danger! Ranger Jim Madden 1932-09-23
Strangers of the Evening 2nd Passerby 1932-05-14
The Last Mile Peddie... Guard 1932-08-17
Too Many Cooks Undetermined Role 1931-07-18
The Girl Who Wouldn't Wait Sam Harper 1929-05-01
Smoke Bellew Stine 1929-01-25
Daughters of Desire 1929-03-01
Little Mickey Grogan Al Nevers 1927-12-27
The Earth Woman Mark McWade 1926-04-04
The Wolf Bob Tyrrell 1926-05-31
The Light of Western Stars Al Hammond 1925-06-22
After Business Hours James Hendricks 1925-06-16
Beyond the Border Bob Moore 1925-05-30
The Man Who Played Square Steve 1924-11-23
Not a Drum Was Heard Bud Loupel 1924-01-27
Against All Odds Bill Warner 1924-07-27
Dante's Inferno Ernest Judd 1924-09-07
Deserted at the Altar Bob Crandall (The City Slicker) 1922-12-01
Only a Shop Girl Danny Mulvey 1922-12-15
A Voice in the Dark Chester Thomas 1921-06-05
Jackie Mervyn Carter 1921-11-27
While the Devil Laughs Billy Anderson 1921-02-13
Who's Your Servant? Lt. Clifford Bruce 1920-02-22
Pitfalls of a Big City Jerry Sullivan 1919-04-13
Riders of the Purple Sage Venters 1918-09-01
Kultur René de Bornay 1918-09-22
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley Terry McGowen 1918-03-10
True Blue Stanley Brockhurst 1918-05-05
At Piney Ridge Rube Hollar 1916-05-01
An Embarrassing Predicament Billy Quill - the Bashful Bookkeeper (as Billy Scott) 1914-10-02
Alone in the Jungle Billy Brown (as Billy Scott) 1913-06-14