Image of Anastasiya Georgiyevskaya

Anastasiya Georgiyevskaya

1914-11-07 Oryol, Russian Empire

Image of Anastasiya Georgiyevskaya


Anastasia Georgievskaya was born in 1914 in the city of Orel. The Soviet actress, known to most viewers as the teacher of Serafima Pavlovna in the movie The Great Change, played a lot in the theater, starred in films (more than 20 roles). In the movie, she did not have many main roles, but each of the secondary roles Georgievskaya made memorable, interesting and very lively. The images she embodied on stage and on the screen were very different, but the actress always coped with them successfully.


Кто прав, кто виноват? Kharitonova 1980-11-28
Заседание парткома Александра Мотрошилова (крановщица) 1977-10-29
«Сто грамм» для храбрости "academician's" wife 1977-05-23
Чеховские страницы Настасья Федоровна Мерчуткина 1977-10-27
Василиса Прекрасная (voice) 1977-05-31
Фантик Turtle (voice) 1975-08-01
Село Степанчиково и его обитатели Анфиса Петровна Обноскина 1973-09-12
Большая перемена Old Teacher 1972-06-06
Мы ищем кляксу Baba Yaga (voice) 1969-04-22
Ошибка резидента neighbor in the train compartment 1968-10-07
Барсуки 1968-03-01
Сказки для больших и маленьких Fox (voice) 1967-04-23
Раз, два - дружно! Hare's Mom (voice) 1967-04-23
Pēdējais blēdis 1966-11-26
Теперь пусть уходит Petton 1963-09-28
А если это любовь? Marya Pavlovna 1961-06-06
Ключ Dragon head IV (voice) 1961-01-01
Чиполлино countess Cherries (voice) 1961-01-01
Золотое перышко Sorceress (voice, uncredited) 1960-03-20
Месть 1960-01-29
Неоплаченный долг 1959-12-21
Аннушка Polina Sergeyevna 1959-08-01
Кошкин дом Goat (voice) 1958-01-01
Сапоги 1957-11-23
Своими руками 1956-10-12
Безумный день Vera Karpovna - sister-owner of the «Lipki» holiday house 1956-07-10
Ревизор Mme. Anna Andreyevna Skvoznik-Dmukhanoskaya 1952-12-01