Image of Gaston Glass

Gaston Glass

1899-12-30 Paris, France

Image of Gaston Glass



Espionage La Forge 1937-02-26
Custer's Last Stand Joe - Bartender 1936-01-02
Fatal Lady Brazilian Opera Troupe (uncredited) 1936-05-15
Gambling with Souls Drunk Man in Bar 1936-09-01
The Princess Comes Across Photographer (uncredited) 1936-05-22
Two in the Dark Hotel Waiter 1936-01-10
Give Us This Night Usher 1936-03-06
Sutter's Gold Lt. Bacalenakoff 1936-03-01
Desire Second Jewelry Clerk (uncredited) 1936-04-11
The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand Louis Bouchard 1936-04-17
Pilot X Lieut. Rene La Rue 1936-12-01
Becky Sharp British Officer (uncredited) 1935-06-28
La Piste des géants Pierre Calmine 1931-03-29
She Got What She Wanted 1930-11-09
Just Like Heaven Jean 1930-10-21
Behind Closed Doors Fred Baher 1929-02-24
Geraldine 1929-01-20
The Faker Frank Clayton 1929-01-02
Tiger Rose Pierre 1929-12-21
Obey Your Husband Arthur Reade 1928-05-15
Name the Woman 1928-05-25
The Red Mark Bibi-Ri 1928-08-26
Jewish Prudence Aaron 1927-05-27
Life in Hollywood No. 2 Himself 1927-08-25
The Gorilla Marsden 1927-11-13
Her Sacrifice David Orland 1926-09-26
Tentacles of the North Francis Wainfield 1926-11-25
The Call of the Klondike Dick Norton 1926-06-24
Sweet Daddies Sam Berkowitz 1926-06-12
Flying Fool Jack Bryan 1926-11-21
Exclusive Rights 1926-12-15
Subway Sadie Fred Perry 1926-09-12
The Bad Lands Hal Owen 1925-07-15
The Scarlet West Capt. Howard 1925-07-26
Parisian Nights Jacques 1925-09-27
The Mad Marriage 1925-01-30
I Am the Man Daniel Harrington 1924-12-15
Trouping with Ellen Andy Owens 1924-10-05
The Midnight Flower Rev. Roy Allen 1923-10-09
Gimme Clinton Ferris 1923-01-14
Glass Houses Billy Norton 1922-03-06
The Kingdom Within Amos 1922-12-24
The Song of Life David Tilden 1922-02-02
Little Miss Smiles Dr. Jack Washton 1922-01-15
Monte Cristo Albert de Morcerf 1922-09-03
I Am the Law Ralph Fitzgerald 1922-06-01
Cameron of the Royal Mounted Cpl. Cameron 1921-12-25
Her Winning Way Harold Hargrave 1921-09-02
There Are No Villains John King 1921-11-14
The World and His Wife 1920-07-18
Humoresque Leon Kantor (adult) 1920-05-29
The Branded Woman William Whitlock 1920-09-05
Mothers of Men Lt. Gerome De La Motte 1920-03-10
The Lost Battalion Harry Merwin 1919-07-02
Open Your Eyes 1919-05-24
Les frères corses 1917-01-26