Image of Subaru Shibutani

Subaru Shibutani

1981-09-22 Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

Image of Subaru Shibutani


Japanese singer, actor and lyricist. Former singer of Japanese male idol group Kanjani Eight. Solo artist since 2019.


味園ユニバース Shigeo Omori / Pochi Man 2015-02-14
エイトレンジャー2 Red Sentai Ranger 2014-07-26
エイトレンジャー 2012-07-28
8UPPERS Arsenal 2010-10-20
Countdown Eito 2009-2010 2009-12-31
ありがとう、オカン Koya 2008-10-06
関ジャニ'sエイターテインメント GR8EST