Image of Beau Fowler

Beau Fowler

Image of Beau Fowler


Beau Fowler is an English award winning writer/action director, actor and a stunt performer.


Accident Man: Hitman's Holiday Poco The Killer Clown 2022-10-14
The Wick John 2020-10-01
Red Daniel 2020-10-07
The Complex Dr. Thomas Malkin 2020-03-31
The Haunting of Alcatraz Ed Wutz 2020-03-09
Men in Black: International Nightclub Patron #2 2019-06-12
Avengement Vern 2019-05-24
Blood, Sweat And Terrors 2018-11-06
Express Delivery Swifty 2017-05-08
Enter the Streets of Myth J 2013-11-08
Underground Bo, the Delinquent 2007-01-01