Image of Tang Tak-Cheung

Tang Tak-Cheung

Image of Tang Tak-Cheung



鎗王之王 Doug Wong 2010-06-30
門徒 Quin's Drug Chef 2007-04-13
圓月彎刀 Swordsman in red in prologue / Sword Slave 1979-01-25
笑傲江湖 Four Friends of Plum Garden 1978-03-30
蕭十一郎 One of the Leng brothers 1978-11-08
倚天屠龍記大結局 Mok Sing Kuk 1978-10-27
倚天屠龍記 Mok Sing Kuk / Wudang 7th Master 1978-10-18
蝙蝠傳奇 Japanese Monk Wugan 1978-07-08
老爺車縱火謀殺案 Cheung Hung 1977-02-04
Biho sangjaeng 1977-04-16
阿Sir毒后老虎槍 Extra 1977-01-20
馬哥波羅 Jin 1975-12-25
色慾和尚 Thug 1975-12-12
電單車 Martial arts student 1974-09-20
方世玉與洪熙官 Manchu thug 1974-01-19
少林五祖 Patriot Helping Ma Chao Hsing 1974-12-25
Shatter Hans Leber's bodyguard 1974-12-06
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (extra) 1974-07-11
大海盜 1973-07-27
The Villains Casino employee 1973-03-09
馬永貞 Russian Muscleman Challenger 1972-02-11
天下第一拳 Master Meng's Pupil 1972-04-28
龍虎鬪 1970-11-27
報仇 Hu's bodyguard [extra] 1970-05-14
保鏢 1969-12-25
獨臂刀王 (extra) 1969-02-28