Image of Tomiyasu Ikeda

Tomiyasu Ikeda

1892-05-14 Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan

Image of Tomiyasu Ikeda


Japanese director and screenwriter. Directed nearly 90 films and wrote nearly 80 screenplays between 1924 and 1954 , he also appeared as an actor in about fifteen films between 1921 and 1960. In 1921 Ikeda was discovered by actor Matsunosuke Onoe and joined Nikkatsu Kyoto. After the Great Kanto Earthquake on September 1, 1923 (Taisho 12), the staff of the contemporary drama club moved from Nikkatsu's Tokyo Mukaishima studio, and in the process of moving from an actor to a director. In 1921 director Ikeda filmed his debut film "Watashîmori to Samurai" - first work in "Nikkatsu Kyoto's historical drama " in which an actress is appointed in place of the Onnagata.


伝七捕物帖 影のない男 1962-05-23
ひばり捕物帖 折鶴駕篭 1960-07-05
天竜母恋い笠 Fujihachi 1960-10-23
水戸黄門 天下の副将軍 1959-07-12
あばれ大名 1959-02-10
唄祭りかんざし纏 1958-12-27
忍術御前試合 Tokugawa Ieyasu 1957-12-15
渋川伴五郎 1922-05-05