Image of Ville Lähde

Ville Lähde

Image of Ville Lähde


Finnish filmmaker, actor and YouTuber. He is one of the founders of the Finnish film group Trash Video.


Satan Stole Our Hot Dogs! Hot Dog Loser Rantala 2018-07-17
Video Cop: Bring Me the Blood of the Werewolf Villager 2018-11-02
Video Cop: Bandits & Bloodhounds Cowboy 2017-09-01
Avaruuden haastajat Cyclop Man 2014-03-08
The Revenge of The Earthquake 2012-12-20
Juhlajätkät Rantala 2008-09-18
Nato Commando Alex Lommo 2005-12-10
Mies Hervannasta 2003-03-29
Hervannan hurjat Sakke 2001-11-21
Loukku Pena 2001-01-29
Hervanta Homicide 2000 2000-01-01
Murhapukki 2000-04-25
Viimeiset humalaiset 1998-01-01
Hervanta Homicide The Chief 1998-01-01
Avaruuden Teurastajat Sami's Brother 1996-01-01
Jasu Daddy 1992-01-01
Backwood Madness Troll soldier
The Last Starship to Venus