Image of Shams El-Barudy

Shams El-Barudy

1945-10-04 Egypt

Image of Shams El-Barudy


Egyptian actress of Syrian origins, born in 1945, she studied at the Higher Institute for Dramatic Arts for only two and a half years, then began her artistic career in the early sixties, and at that time she was still using her real name (Shams al-Muluk), but soon she changed her nickname To be (Shams Al-Baroudi) after her family name. After that, she had many roles in the cinema, which made her an icon of temptation in the history of Egyptian cinema, and among the films in which she participated: (The Malatilian Bath, Pleasure and Agony, El Amusement Street) Shams Al-Baroudi has also been a mainstay in the films directed by her husband, actor Hassan Youssef, including (Cowardly and Love, Fat Cats, Two On the Road). Shams Al-Baroudi decided in the mid-eighties to retire and wear the hijab after the trip that she made with her father to perform the Umrah rituals, and she disavowed all the works that she participated in.


اثنين على الطريق حنان 1984-06-30
دموع بلا خطايا فايزة 1980-05-04
الطيور المهاجرة 1979-03-04
واحدة بعد واحدة ونص 1978-05-01
المجرم Ansaf 1978-09-03
القطط السمان 1978-05-15
ابنتي والذئب أزهار سيد عبدالكريم 1977-06-27
كفاني يا قلب فوزية 1977-04-25
الحب على شاطئ ميامي 1976-02-16
مراهقة من الأرياف 1976-05-10
الجبان والحب Samira 1975-06-16
المطلقات Samia 1975-04-21
الزواج السعيد 1974-03-11
رحلة العمر سلوى سامي / سوزانا 1974-11-11
وكان الحب 1974-02-25
حمام الملاطيلي Naima 1973-07-02
المرأة التي غلبت الشيطان 1973-03-19
امرأة سيئة السمعة Hanaa 1973-12-21
الشياطين و الكورة Sanaa 1973-03-17
الرجل الآخر Salwa Ezzat 1973-12-31
المتعة والعذاب 1971-07-14
عالم الشهرة 1971-04-04
موسيقى وجاسوسية وحب 1971-11-01
فرقة المرح منى 1970-08-10
الساعات الرهيبة 1970-07-02
أشياء لا تشترى 1970-03-24
الشيطان سعاد 1969-11-17
she and the devils warda 1969-08-12
المساجين الثلاثة 1968-09-02
حكاية ٣ بنات سعاد 1968-01-01
المساجين الثلاثة ريتا 1968-09-02
فارس بني حمدان 1966-03-09
ليلة الزفاف Nawal 1966-05-25
هي والرجال Nabil's wife 1965-01-28
الجزاء Rajawat 1965-07-21
الراهبة Suad 1965-04-28
دنيا البنات 1962-10-14