Image of Christophe Bourseiller

Christophe Bourseiller

1957-09-27 Paris, France

Image of Christophe Bourseiller


Christophe Bourseiller (born Christophe Gintzburger; born 27 September 1957 in Paris) is a French actor, writer, freemason and journalist. He began as a child actor and starred in Yves Robert's War of the Buttons (La Guerre des boutons) in 1962 on his debut. He made several appearances on stage in the late 1970s and early 1980s and again in 2005 and 2006. He was born as Christophe Gintzburger. His father, André Gintzburger called Kinsbourg (1923-2013), was a playwright and theater producer. His mother, Chantal Darget (née Marie Chantal Chauvet) (1934-1988), was an actress and the daughter of journalist Claude Darget. His mother subsequently married the director Antoine Bourseiller (of which Christophe adopts the surname as a stage name) and they had a daughter, the rejoneadora Marie Sara. From the age of four, he appears in cinemas in War of the Buttons, the film by Yves Robert. He then played under the direction of Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Lelouch, Jacques Demy and Pierre Jolivet. It is found in the credits of about thirty films, about twenty telefilms and on the poster of several plays. At the same time, he pursues a career as a writer, journalist, radio and television man. He has published thirty books on topics as diverse as: minority movements, political extremism, the against-culture, the industrial music and the new wave of the 1980s. Nearly a time of milieux of extreme left, it dedicates, in 1996, a work to the French Maoists entitled The Maoists: The Folle History of the French Red Guards. On the radio, he began by creating in 1981 the free radio Frequency arts and shows. On France Musique, he co-produced a weekly program, launched in 2005 and dedicated to avant-garde music: Electromania and animated the morning for two seasons from 2011 to 2013. On television, after having presented several programs since 1984, he becomes editorial advisor of the program Ce soir (ou jamais!) until July 2011. He also participates in a historic program L'Ombre d'un Doubt on FR3 on Wednesdays on two, hosted by the presenter Franck Ferrand. In 2001, he published a review of studies on the Situationist International, Éditions Denoël, Archives and Situationist Documents, five issues of which will appear until 2005. In 2009, he was behind the "Who Are You?" by Bourin Éditeur. Since 2003, he has taught at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris and at Sciences Po Lille. He is also preparing a PhD thesis at the Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University on Les Mouvements collaborationnistes français from June 1944 to December 1950 under the direction of Pascal Ory. Since childhood, Christophe Bourseiller has been collecting leaflets and propaganda documents. He entrusted thousands to the Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. He also collects, among others, rare and newspapers. In 2014, he participated in the second season of the program Les Pieds dans le plat on Europe 1 as a columnist. Since September 7, 2014, he also produces on Musique Musique the program Musicus Politicus, which deals with the links between music and politics. He is finally chronicler in La Bande originale, on France Inter. Source: Article "Christophe Bourseiller" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Monsieur je-sais-tout Docteur Jais 2018-05-09
L'Antiquaire Hurtado 2015-03-18
Indiscrétions Benjamin Lacombe 2013-11-30
L'Innocent Directeur de prison 2012-09-26
L'amour dure trois ans Le curé 2011-12-10
LOL (Laughing Out Loud) Monsieur Gerbère, le professeur de SVT 2009-02-04
L'Année des Guignols - Goodbye Louis XVI ! (voix) 2005-08-01
Un crime de guerre Vergnaud 1994-06-13
À l'heure où les grands fauves vont boire Le producteur 1993-01-13
Boulevard des hirondelles Maurice David 1993-03-17
Simple mortel Fabien 1990-12-31
Trois Places pour le 26 Serge 1988-11-23
La Galette du roi Jérémie Harris 1986-01-29
P.R.O.F.S. Francis 1985-09-18
Tout le monde peut se tromper Edgar 1983-02-10
Le Cadeau Jean-Philippe Loriol 1982-03-24
Les uns et les autres 1981-05-27
Asphalte Le mécanicien 1981-01-07
Girls Bernard 1980-05-07
Courage fuyons Christophe 1979-10-17
French Postcards Pascal 1979-10-19
Vas-y maman Le garçon de café 1978-08-09
Nous irons tous au paradis Lucien 1977-11-09
Un éléphant ça trompe énormément Lucien 1976-09-22
2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle Christophe Jeanson 1967-03-17
Une femme mariée: Suite de fragments d'un film tourné en 1964 Nicolas 1964-12-04
La Guerre des boutons Gaston (uncredited) 1962-04-18