Image of Lillian Burns

Lillian Burns

1903-09-17 Illinois, USA

Image of Lillian Burns



The Shop Girl Ena 1916-06-19
The Goddess Mary Blackstone 1915-05-09
The Third Party Mrs. Williams 1915-10-14
Four Grains of Rice 1915-06-12
A Lily in Bohemia 1915-05-04
The Cave Man 1915-11-29
Netty or Letty Letty 1914-11-25
Saved from a Life of Crime 1914-12-01
The Unwritten Play 1914-09-07
The Wheat and the Tares Hazel Gray 1914-08-15
A Florida Enchantment Malvina 1914-08-10
A Pair of Frauds Margery Dean 1914-03-04
Love's Old Dream 1914-01-21
Cutey and the Chorus Girls 1913-04-09