Image of Patricia Schumann

Patricia Schumann

1975-06-04 Danmark

Image of Patricia Schumann


Patricia Schumann is a Danish actress. She graduated from the Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance in 2005.


Betlémské světlo Ludmila 2022-03-10
Stenofonen Kristine 2021-08-30
Skyggen i mit øje Directress 2021-10-28
De forbandede år Louise 2020-01-09
Valhalla Mor 2019-10-10
Brakland Lillian 2018-11-22
Den tid på året Patricia 2018-11-08
Walter & Alma Almas mor Julie 2017-10-09
Shelley Nanna 2016-02-14
Iqbal og Superchippen Zilles Mor 2016-12-15
Villads fra Valby 2015-12-25
Debut Josephine 2014-08-25
Zirkus Nemo 2013 2013-05-04
Kvinden i buret Søs Norup 2013-10-03
Sort kaffe & vinyl Sofie 2012-09-27
Turbo Iben Mikkelsen 2012-01-01
Submarino Sofie 2010-03-25
Hold om mig Louise's Mother 2010-09-02
Silas & Selma Selmas mor 2010-12-03
Vildbassen 1994-09-30