Image of Vladimir Vasiliev

Vladimir Vasiliev

1940-04-18 Moscow, USSR [now Russia]

Image of Vladimir Vasiliev


Vladimir Viktorovich Vasiliev (born April 18, 1940) is a Russian ballet dancer and choreographer from Moscow, Russia. He was a principal dancer with the Bolshoi Ballet and its director from 1995 to 2000. He was best known for his role of Spartacus and his powerful leaps and turns. Vladimir Vasiliev was named "God of the dance" and is regarded as a classical dancer on the same level as Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov. At the height of their careers, Vladimir Vasiliev and Ekaterina Maximova were the golden couple of Russian ballet.


Tango, Bayle nuestro Autor e intérprete de "Fragmentos de una biografía" 1988-07-14
Фуэте́ Andrey Novikov 1986-10-15
Анюта 1982-04-07
Жиголо и Жиголетта 1980-01-01
Спартак Spartacus 1977-01-01