Image of Bob Jellison

Bob Jellison

1908-08-21 Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Image of Bob Jellison



The Ugly Dachshund Harry (uncredited) 1966-02-16
Period of Adjustment Christmas Caroler (uncredited) 1962-10-31
The Great American Pastime Mr. O'Keefe 1956-11-28
Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops Movie Patron (uncredited) 1955-02-02
A Star Is Born Eddie (uncredited) 1954-10-01
The Twonky TV Shop Owner 1953-06-10
Too Young to Kiss Sparrow's Assistant (uncredited) 1951-11-22
Newlyweds Take a Chance Chubby 1951-08-08
Love Nest Mr. Fain (Uncredited) 1951-10-10
The Sound of Fury Man Mailing Letters (uncredited) 1950-12-12
Not Wanted Bartender (uncredited) 1949-06-24
The Judge Doctor's clerk 1949-01-31