Image of Romir Zalla

Romir Zalla

Image of Romir Zalla



Das Meer ist der Himmel Altin 2024-11-28
My Name is Sonila 2020-02-14
Dilema e Ismailit Mirashi 2020-10-27
The Van Supervisor 2019-05-24
Cirku Fluturues Alfonsi 2019-11-27
Bon appétit 2017-07-12
Shirt Sleeves 2015-01-01
Gjallë Tiku 2009-07-05
Lindje, Perëndim, Lindje 2009-11-14
Mao Ce Dun Police 2007-11-18
Zonja D Tim Tufa Edward
Troubleshooters Valton