Image of Randa El Behairy

Randa El Behairy

1983-08-18 Minya, Egypt

Image of Randa El Behairy


Randa is a young Egyptian actress. She loves theater since an early age and would often go to the theater with her mother, who worked there as a designer. Randa studied the English language at the faculty of arts. Randa began her television career as a model in commercials, and soon transitioned into music videos. Her success and popularity in music videos brought her more and more attention. From 1998 onwards, she began pursuing roles in television, theater and cinema. She has proven herself a performer to watch. Critics and the general public have praised her performances despite the fact that her roles have varied in terms of character and setting. Though she is young and just at the beginning of her career, her success has brought her many important roles. Randa has performed alongside several major actors including Yahya Al Fakhrany, Elham Chahine, Yousra, Ahmed Eid and the Lebanese musician Rola Saad.


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سبوبة 2012-12-28
أحاسيس 2010-01-27
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أيام صعبة 2009-01-01
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