Image of Yuko Goto

Yuko Goto

1980-08-28 Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Image of Yuko Goto


Gotou Yuuko, born August 28, 1975 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, is a voice actress (seiyuu) who formerly worked for Production Baobab. In direct contrast to her cute-and-vulnerable moé typecasting, Gotou in real life is a devotee of biker culture who dresses and acts as such when not working, right down to her motorcycle. This is parodied in the 23rd episode of Lucky Star, in which she appears as a masculine Bousouzoku-styled caricature of herself called Gottouuza-sama. Her hobbies are: motorcycle, reading, traveling and drinking. Her bloodtype is O. As of June 2012, she was suffering from a rare autoimmune disease, due to which she decided to leave her job for an undetermined amount of time in order to take care of her health. According to news for that month, she was under her mother's care.


はらわたマン 2019-10-05
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅢ 皇道 Mutsuki Minase 2018-05-01
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅡ 叛道 Anya Earlstreim 2018-02-10
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅡ 叛道 Monica Krushevsky 2018-02-10
劇場版総集編 オーバーロード 漆黒の英雄【後編】 Bukubukuchagama (voice) 2017-03-11
長門有希ちゃんの消失 第17話「終われない夏休み」 Mikuru Asahina 2015-10-26
劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ[新編]叛逆の物語 Junko Kaname (voice) 2013-10-26
劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ[後編] 永遠の物語 Junko Kaname (voice) 2012-10-13
劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [前編] 始まりの物語 Junko Kaname (voice) 2012-10-05
ベイビー・プリンセス 3Dぱらだいす0[ラブ] Haruka Amatsuka (voice) 2011-07-20
俺たちに翼はない 肌色率九割増!? 2011-06-24
Arakawa Under the Bridge Jacqueline 2010-04-04
クイズマジックアカデミー ~オリジナルアニメーション2~ Riel (voice) 2010-02-11
涼宮ハルヒの消失 Mikuru Asahina (voice) 2010-02-05
らき☆すた in 武道館 〜あなたのためだから〜 ゴトゥーザ様 2009-03-29
クレヨンしんちゃん オタケべ!カスカベ野生王国 Yushiko Shizime (voice) 2009-04-18
らぶドル First Live in 横浜BLITZ 2007-01-01
凉宫春日的激奏 2007-07-27
らぶドル Prologued DVD 2006-10-18
SHUFFLE! Prologue (voice) 2005-05-27