Image of Kwak Min-seok

Kwak Min-seok

1970-02-19 Seoul, South Korea

Image of Kwak Min-seok


South Korean actor.


4등 Director Kim 2016-04-13
판도라 Head of Foreign Cooperation 2016-12-07
봉이 김선달 Servant 2016-07-06
소수의견 Park Kyung-chul 2015-06-24
성난 변호사 Superintendent public prosecutor 2015-10-08
환상극장 Lee Myung-jin 2011-03-17
모던 보이 Japanese Detective 2008-10-02
사랑 Chief Hyeon 2007-09-19
리턴 Psychiatrist 2007-08-08
조용한 세상 Tourist 2 2006-12-14
달콤, 살벌한 연인 Psychiatrist 2006-04-06
태풍 North Koreans Safety Evacuation Member 2005-12-14
사랑니 Driver 2005-09-29
페이스 Doctor 1 2004-06-11