Image of Estelle Omens

Estelle Omens

1928-10-11 Chicago, Illinois, USA

Image of Estelle Omens



Unfaithfully Yours Celia 1984-02-10
Mr. Mom Middle Age Woman 1983-07-22
Looker Wife 1981-10-30
Dead & Buried Betty 1981-05-29
Stir Crazy Mrs. R.H. Broache 1980-12-12
Loving Couples Mrs. Herzog 1980-10-24
Friendships, Secrets and Lies 3rd Dress Shop Woman 1979-12-03
Topper Lucy Johnson 1979-11-09
The Prince of Central Park The Preacher Lady 1977-06-17
Contract on Cherry Street Flo Weinberg 1977-11-19
Marathon Man Bystander 1976-10-08
Dog Day Afternoon Edna 1975-09-21
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds Caroline 1972-12-20
Joe Woman in Bargain Store 1970-07-15
The Secret Cinema Jane's Mother 1967-03-08