Image of Ai Xiaoqi

Ai Xiaoqi

1992-03-20 Wuhu, Anhui province, China

Image of Ai Xiaoqi


Ai Xiaoqi, a mainland female artist. Graduated from the drama school affiliated to Shanghai Drama Academy, majoring in film and television performance. Learning dance from an early age has a solid dance foundation. In 2011, the ninth Ruili Graphic Model Contest top ten nationwide. Won the "World Tourism Image Ambassador" China Top Ten Shanghai Division and National Finals Excellence Award.


深海危机 2023-04-15
筆仙撞碟仙 2016-07-15
阴阳先生 Kanan 2015-07-15
与你同行 2015-02-14
愛.回來 Alice 2014-01-01
哭泣的石头 Lulu 2013-07-09