Image of Tânia Dinis

Tânia Dinis

Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal

Image of Tânia Dinis


Since 2011, Tânia Dinis has developed a research and creation work about the intimacy, family archive, document, time-image-memory-dream correlation, and these specific works are inserted in the "Family Archive" series, which is in constant development and they crossed diverse perspectives and artistic expressions as the photography, performance art and cinematography. This research begins by the investigating and collecting images, personal or otherwise, as well as other devices: films, letters, slides, photographs, objects – and then they’ll be assembled in artistic experiments, reorganized, revisited and manipulated by the assembly, implementing collages and sound fragments, constructing small narratives in an exercise of confronting the image and sound, exploring the idea of image as an experience of the ephemerality of the time and memory, also using other registers of real image.


Lethes 2021-07-16
Surdina Mulher Jovem 2020-07-09
Kinorama - Cinema Fora de Órbita 2019-01-28
Laura Ela mesma 2017-10-17
Correspondências 2016-08-04
O Espectador Espantado 2016-01-29
Ornamento e Crime Maria do Céu 2015-10-30
Sobre el Cielo Woman 2015-01-01
Checkpoint Sunset 2013-01-01
3x3D 2013-05-22
O Facínora Letícia 2012-01-01
O Coveiro 2012-12-08
Vazante 2012-07-07
Ao Lobo da Madragoa 2012-01-02
O Amor É a Solução Para a Falta de Argumento 2011-01-01