Image of Leung Suk-Hing

Leung Suk-Hing

Image of Leung Suk-Hing



瘋劫 Madman's Mother 1979-10-31
瘋劫 Ah Saw's Mother 1979-10-31
冬戀 1968-12-03
盲童奇遇記 Blind woman beggar 1967-12-13
含笑火 Keung's mother 1966-11-12
冷燕飄零 1964-04-02
鬼新娘 1964-04-08
瘋婦 1964-12-23
魔鬼的愛情 Third Sister 1964-07-15
瓊樓魔影 Housekeeper 1962-10-17
可憐天下父母心 Gwok-Hung's mother 1960-04-08
雞鳴狗盜 Yeung's mum 1960-07-14
金山大少 Buyer's Wife 1959-10-14
駙馬艷史 Second aunt 1958-03-04
璇宮艷史 Ali admirer 1957-09-11
半夜奇談 Tai Sou 1955-05-20
繅絲女 1955-01-07
黃飛鴻初試無影腳 1954-07-21
maid 1953-01-07
歌唱新夜吊白芙蓉 Mother Luk 1952-08-22
敗家仔 Auntie 1952-12-12
再訪香城艷 1952-01-05
紅菱血(下集) 1951-10-09
紅菱血(上集) 1951-10-04
五福臨門 Mrs. Law 1950-12-31
黃飛鴻傳第四集:梁寬歸天 1950-04-16
江湖奇俠三集 1948-08-28
審死官 Madam Tin 1948-09-16
七姊妹 1937-06-11
自梳女 1937-12-03
鄉下佬遊埠第三集 1935-09-02