Image of Mohamed Mahmoud

Mohamed Mahmoud

1951-09-02 Cairo, Egypt

Image of Mohamed Mahmoud


“Mohammed Mahmoud” is a theatre actor and producer. Born in Cairo on September 21, 1951, he received a degree in Social Work in 1973 and a degree from the High Institute for Theatrical Arts in 1981. He went onto to get an advanced degree in production in 1985. He has appeared in various television series, theatrical performances and a number of films, including the 2009 film “Amir El Bahr” (Prince of the Sea) with Mohammed Henedy.


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البعبع 2023-06-26
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من أجل زيكو 2022-01-05
هاشتاج جوزني 2022-11-02
الأبلة طم طم 2018-06-13
أبو شنب 2016-07-06
برة في الشارع 2015-02-15
الوتر 2011-09-15
كريمة كريمة Karima's brother 2009-08-22
امير البحار 2009-11-26
مراتي زعيمة عصابة 2008-03-10
فلاح في الكونجرس 2002-07-17
حكيم عيون 2001-04-11
دو ري مي فاصوليا 2001-01-01
السيد كاف 1994-02-07
ليه يا بنفسج Samir 1993-11-01
شحاتين ونبلاء 1991-01-02
راقصة قطاع عام 1985-12-01